CPE Enrolment period for the day nursery "Garderie" & Study and Recreation Centre in Luxembourg

The enrolment of children for the Day Nursery (Garderie) and the Study and Recreation Centre in Luxembourg for the 2024/25 school year is to be completed between March 1st and 31st, 2024. These should be confirmed in May.
Enrolments remain possible after March 31st, 2024 and will be processed according to available places.
‘Priority 3’ requests will be processed after June 2nd 2024 following the criteria set out under article 3 of the Rules on admission to and operation of the CPE establishments (europa.eu).
The “Enrolment” page of the CPE Luxembourg’s website should be read carefully before proceeding with the enrolment. This page is available under the following web link: https://europa.eu/centre-polyvalent-enfance-luxembourg/inscription/index_en.html.
The enrolment of children should be done using the new eKidWeb platform you can access under the following web link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/ekidweb. Help pages for step-by-step use of this tool are available here: eKidWeb help (europa.eu)
Please note that this information does not concern children already attending the CPE this school year, as a separate re-enrolment campaign was already organised for them.