Activities and school trips

Countryside trips (Green classes)

The students in the 2nd and 3rd grades of primary school take part in Green classes organized by the school in a rural center located in the countryside. Students take part in outdoor activities and nature projects.

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  • 3 day trip in the spring for 2nd year Primary;
  • 5  day trip for 3rd   year Primary.

Detailed information will be available to parents well before the school trip dates and can be found on their personal areas of SMS.

These trips are focused on the following themes:

  • Discovering and appreciating nature,
  • Practicing sports in a natural environment,
  • Learning about local heritage and history
  • Working on manual skills
  • Inhabiting an environment different from a habitual one;
  • Participating in nature sports both for fun and for physical fitness,
  • Gaining local knowledge (about traditional jobs, forests, …) ;
  • Stretching the imagination and expanding the definitions of pleasure and creativity as well as improving motor skills
  • Developing self-esteem.

Ski trips

All students in the 5th year of Primary spend approximately eight days on a school organized ski trip.

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During these “snow classes”, students discover the resources around them through numerous activities such as nature walks to observe flora and fauna and visits to local artisans and regional farms. By being removed from their familiar surroundings, students are more open to appreciating and understanding the natural environment surrounding them. Curiosity drives the students to refine their observation skills..

“Snow classes” are also designed to heighten awareness of nature preservation measures and encourage responsibility in caring for the local environment.

Sports and Activities

Skiing lessons are lead by professional instructors. In addition to skiing, students may participate in other activities related to their mountain environment, including nature walks to discover the landscape.

Rules for Constructive Behavior

A communal spirit is important for establishing class unity, maintaining structure, and helping the school trip run smoothly. Rules are established to help ensure that each student’s own rhythms and preferences are respected. Quiet times and discussions are incorporated into the program, and a cooperative attitude is encouraged.

The school trip promotes independence, and students are encouraged to take initiatives and exercise self-expression. Practically, this philosophy allows students to tailor their own school trip experience. They may choose their own activities depending on their interests.


Detailed information will be available to parents on their personalized secure pages of SMS.

Seaside trips

In the spring, students in 4th year Primary spend one week at the seaside. During this trip, students participate in numerous excursions to discover the richness of the local area.

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The trip is organized around engagement activities and structured observations of the terrain as well as experiments conducted in the town center.

These trips have the following objectives:

  • Discovering the coastal environment and studying marine areas through numerous activities;
  • Learning to read the seashore and analyze the tides;
  • Studying different aspects of the seashore and the coast (tides, currents, flora, fauna…);
  • Understanding the concepts of the food chain and environment;
  • Treating the environment with respect, acting to safeguard its fragility and protect its natural balance;
  • Using all the senses to explore and investigate: sight, touch, smell, hearing, taste


Detailed information will be available to parents on their personalized secure pages of SMS.

Field trips and activities

Field trips are a wonderful way for students to share experiences, investigate questions, and be involved in exciting interactions about a variety of subjects. All students are included in field trips.

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In the Nursery School, field trips also provide practical experiences that allow students to develop their motor skills, spatial skills, balance, and dexterity.

Field trips are experiential extensions of the school curriculum.  They may be integrated into whole school projects as well as individual class projects. Each field trip, whether a quick outing or a longer excursion, will necessarily be tied to carefully planned learning objectives that are often creative and cross-disciplinary.

Emphasis is placed on comprehensive skills that support the development of the whole child: independence, initiative, confidence, and verbal communication. We try to nurture in all students a respect for others, for the environment, and for our cultural histories.

Field trips are integrated into the regular classroom activities, often illustrating a theme already discussed in class. Particularly for the youngest students, field trips provide a safe and positive way to experience separation from familiar environments.

The European School Luxembourg II has organized a variety of field trips tailored to specific ages and classes. Outings might include:

  • Nature walks;
  • Visits to the pedagogical garden;
  • Museum visits;
  • Musical concerts

The Social Funds

The Social Fund of our school assists families who run into difficulties to avoid any child to be excluded of a school activity.

Financial assistance is intended to help pay a portion of the expenses needed for obligatory school trips.


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To know more about our terms and conditions and how to give your application, go to the Memorandum for parents - School Trips.