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Our school, the ES LUX II in Mamer, was officially and solemnly awarded the title of the European Parliament Ambassador School on 28 September 2018 in the Hemicycle of the Robert Schuman building on the Kirchberg

What is Ambassador School Program?

The European Parliament Ambassador School (EPAS) Program is a network of schools across the EU raising awareness of European parliamentary democracy and European citizenship values.

What is the aim of the EPAS?

To promote the idea of European parliamentary democracy and their values more strongly in schools through various projects

Who and what‘s involved in the Ambassador School Program?

• Junior Ambassadors are selected by their teacher for showing enthusiasm and involvement in the program throughout the year and receive a Junior Ambassador Certificate. All other students completing the program receive a Certificate of Participation.

• Teachers receive training and an EPAS Handbook that introduces them to the role. The training day is an opportunity to network with other teachers in the program.

Jasmin Azizi-Stemper (Senior Ambassador of the European Parliament)