KiVa is an innovative school-based anti-bullying program which has been developed using cutting-edge research on bullying and its mechanisms.

The main components of KiVa
KiVa includes both universal and indicated actions.
The universal actions, such as the KiVa curriculum (student lessons), are directed at all students and focus mainly on preventing bullying.
The indicated actions are to be used when a bullying case has emerged. They are targeted specifically to the children and adolescents who have been involved in bullying as perpetrators or victims, as well as to several classmates who are challenged to support the victim; the aim is to put an end to bullying.
The KiVa team doesn’t accuse or punish anyone, but helps to develop empathy and positive solutions. KiVa is not meant to be a one-year project, but a permanent part of the school’s anti-bullying work.
Find usefull information about the KiVA anti-buylling program right here and general information on their website.
Wish to contact the KiVA team?
Primary school :
Secondary :